perm filename TCS.RUL[AM,DBL] blob sn#641461 filedate 1982-02-12 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
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		   Tournament Rules for Dundracon 1982


1.Length of Play
	The tournament battles will be limited to 40 turns. Battles
may be less than 40 turns if an automatic victory is achieved. At the
end of 40 turns of play, if neither player has achieved an automatic
victory, a determination of the relative amounts of damage inflicted
by each player will be used to determine victory.

2.Automatic Victory
	If, at the beginning of any turn of battle, a player has no
ships capable of offensive fire in his  reserve or battle lines, or 
engaged in strafing, his opponent is awarded an automatic victory.

3.Determination of Damage
	Ships which are destroyed, abandoned, or incapable of at least
a jump-1 following the battle are counted as a loss of their complete
value for determination of victory. Damage to other ships is accounted
according to the tables in appendix A. The player suffering the least
relative percent damage to his fleet at the end of 40 turns is the winner.

4.Inspection of Ship Designs
	Ship designs will be available to the judge for review during or
after the tournament. The judge may, at his option, ask players to review
one or more of their opponent's sheets to check for obvious errors prior
to the start of play. Penalties for violation of design rules and limitations
will be assessed by the judge according to the percieved intent and degree
of deviation in each situation.


1.Turrets and bays
	1 bay (50 or 100 tons) replaces 10 hardpoints from a tonnage available
for weapons standpoint.
	All batteries must be turret divisible - i.e. all batteries
must contain only whole turrets, and no turret may be split between two
batteries, even though an extra weapon or two may be mounted in the last
turret in the battery.(Any such leftovers contribute nothing to the firepower
of the ship.)

	All ships must be piloted and manned by human crews in tounament
play. No robots are permitted.

3.Fuel hits.
	Each fuel hit destroys 1% of the total internal fuel tankage of the
target. This means that 100 total fuel hits scored will reduce a ship to
"no fuel left" status.

4.Maneuver Drives
	Maneuver drives must be integral with respect to the "base tonnage"
of their ship.(The base tonnage is the tonnage of the ship while not carrying
drop tanks.)
	Scenario maneuver requirements must be satisfied by each ship
while not carrying drop tanks.

5.Power Plant
	Power plants must have a tonnnage which is an integral percentage
of the base tonnage of the ship. For example, on a 1000 ton ship, the
power plant may be 10,20,30,etc. tons. For tech level 13, this means that
power plant numbers may be .5,1,1.5,etc.

6.Jump Drive
	Jump drive numbers must be integral with respect to the base tonnage
of the ship.
	Scenario jump requirements are satisfied if the ship could make
the required jump while dropping its tanks, and can make at least jump-1
carrying its tanks along.

7.Tugs and drop tanks.
	Tugs must be provided to handle all drop tanks, if they are to
be dropped before combat. Maneuver for the tugs must be at least 1
with drop tanks in tow and counted as part of tonnage, i.e. a 500
ton 6G tug may move 500 tons of drop tanks at 3G's, or 2500 tons at 1G 
acceleration. No maneuver drive may exceed 6G's acceleration. Drop tanks may
be assumed to be transfered to tugs and placed in the safe area (see tactical
details) at the beginning of the tourney.

7. Black Globes
	If desired, a black globe may be up at 100% at the beginning of
a battle. Such ships are not seen until the globe is dropped, and are
not subject to the automatic hit for ships dropping their black globes.
	Any turn a ships has a black globe up 100%, it and the main battle
will drift apart. To determine the rate at which this happens, keep track of
the smaller of the two fleet agilities for the turn. This is the number
of "points" by which the globe has drifted away from the battle. Range
is determined by the number of "point" of maneuver since the globe was put
up: 1 point is short range, 2-5 points is long range, ships further than
5 points from the battle are not able to fire or be fired on. When the globe
is dropped, the ship would have to return to the battle, canceling a number
of points equal to its agility each turn until the battle is regained.
	Weapon hits which penetrate sandcasters, nuclear dampers, and
meson screens put energy into the black globe. Penetrating armor to actually
do damage is irrelevant.
	Excess weapons may be installed on a ship which are in excess
of those powerable by the power plant, in the expectation that they can be
powered off of the energy in the capacitor during the battle. 

	As power hits accrue, the energy-using functions of a ship must
be reduced to stay in line with power requirements. At the option of the
owning player, this may involve any combination of turning off weapons or
screens or reducing the ship's agility. The ship's agility may never go
	Spare drives may be installed on ships. These automatically come on
line and are subject to hits, just like computers or screens, once they are the
best remaining unit.

	Crew hits are assumed to reduce the number of crew in the ship to
the maximum of the next smaller crew number. Hence a ship with 1500 crew
on board (Crew number 4) would be reduced to 999 crew by one crew hit, and
to 99 by a second hit. Pilots are assumed to be the last crew to be hit.
Transfers of crew from other ships must bring the crew back up to the
full level necessary to man the ship on a man for man basis.
	Staterooms on carriers are not neccessary for the crew of carried
big craft if the big craft being carried have their own staterooms.

10. Frozen Crew
	If a crew hit occurs on turn 1, say, the ship would be available
for combat on turn 4 (not turn 3), after revival of the frozen watch.

	The tables in TCS for purification plant tonnages are off by a
factor of 10 from those in High Guard. The tables in HG are correct - 
in order to use the tables from TCS, multiply the resulting tonnages by 10.
	Extra drop tanks carried by tugs are assumed to spoil the streamlining
of the tug, so only the drop tanks designed for the ship can be carried
into a refueling maneuver.


	Missile launchers are limited in the number of turns they may fire
without reloading. Each turret missile launcher fires one missile per turn, 
and a missile turret holds 30 missiles, hence a triple missile turret could
fire for 10 turns before reloading, a double for 15, and a single turret for
30 turns. Missile bays fire a number of missiles per turn equal to their
tonnage, and hold 30 missiles per ton, hence each turret can fire for 30 turns
without reloading. Additional missiles are stored in magazines at 30 missiles
per ton. Magazines have no cost and do not occupy hardpoints.
	Assume that when missile hits are taken, an equivalent reduction
in the magazines occurs, so that the number of turns of fire remains
the same. Also, assume that all turrets expend missiles on any turn that
the ship is in battle. A running tally of the number of turns in battle should
be kept for each ship in order to know when missiles are used up.

2.Spinal mounts.
	5% (1 in 20) of all weapons hits on a ship are spinal mount
hits, regardless of the number of other weapon types. Spinal hits are
removed on the eleventh weapon hit (i.e. 11,31,51,etc.). This toll is 
accounted according to the number of cumulative hits on the ship, not
one round hits. Other weapons hits are apporrtioned normally among the
non-spinal weapons systems.

3.Hits and Damage Rolls
	Any natural 2 rolled on the surface explosion or radiation
damage tables may, at the option of the attacker, be rerolled on the
same table, reducing the armor modification for this roll by 6. In
the unlikely event that another 2 is rolled, the attacker could choose
to roll again, subtracting another 6 (total of 12) from the armor
protection, and so forth, though the adjusted armor modifier can never
become negative. This allows a chance (albeit slight) of penetrating
even the toughest armor (remember the Death Star!).
	In the same vein, any natural 12 rolled on any To Hit or Penetration
table may be rerolled, adding 6 to the subsequent roll (plus any other
applicable modifiers). This may also repeated if subsequent 12's are rolled,
thus preventing the existence of "unhittable" ships.

4.Step Reduction of Batteries
	Turret-based batteries on ships of 500 tons or more are not
step-reduced, but eliminated when hit. Only spinal mounts and bays
the last of each type) are subject to step reduction.
	The last battery of any type is subject to step reduction on
ships under 500 tons.

	No repair (except reviving frozen crew) is permitted in 
tournament play.

	Boarding is not allowed in tournament play, except both fleets will be
assumed to be able to reboard ships of their own fleet, if they were not
abandoned, in order to bring the crew complements up to the required level in
order to jump out. This will be assumed to happen, providing sufficient crew 
are available in the fleet, prior to loss calculations. No reboarding
will be allowed during battle.

9.Armor reduction.
	 In addition to being reduced for each critical hit taken,
armor is reduced by 1 each time a natural 2 is rolled on a spinal mount 
damage roll. (Note: if the 2 is a critical, only one reduction is suffered).

10.Emergency agility.
	Ships using emergency agility suffer a -2 DM for any offensive
fire (by missiles).

1.Abandonment of ships
	Damaged ships may be abandoned during combat. Ships so
abandoned may not be used, counted, or recovered during a tourney battle, 
and do  not count for victory considerations.

2.Safe area
	A "safe" area (particularly for tugs and drop tanks) exists 4 turns
behind the lines. Ships placed in the safe area will take four turns to
to get into battle and will be open to one turn of fire from enemy particle
accelerators (at long range) prior to entering the reserve line, with no
chance to return fire. Ships leaving for the "safe" area are also subject
to the free fire rule.
	"Strafing" runs may be made on the enemy reserve line. Ships
with an Agility advantage of 2 over the enemy fleet may be used to strafe.
They must be in the reserve line the turn before they attempt to strafe,
and when their intent is declared, they are moved forward into the Friendly
Strafe Line, in front of their battle line. Ships in this line fire normally,
and strafing ships do not in any way screen battle line ships. On the
following turn, if the range is short, ships may move from the Friendly
Strafe Line to the Enemy Strafe Line, and are considered to be in among the
ships in the reserve line of the enemy. If the range on the second turn
is long, a second turn is spent on the Friendly Strafe Line, prior to 
moving to the Enemy Strafe Line.
	Ships on the Enemy Strafe Line may attack ships in the enemy reserve
line freely, plus may fire on ships fleeing toward the safe area for two turns,
the first normally, and the second with missiles, lasers, and accelerators 
only. Fleeing ships return fire at a minus two (-2) DM. No ships may ever
fire on ships in the safe area, nor may ships ever fire out of the safe
	Ships in the Enemy Strafe Line have two options: they may fire on
any ship and may be fired on by any ship, or they may be declared to be
between a particular pair of enemy ships in the enemy reserve. In this case
and they may only concentrate fire on the two enemy ships, and
may be fired on only by those two ships. Concentrated fire has the following
DM's: An automatic +1 DM to hit due to virtual target size increase;
short range is always in effect, and to hit modifiers are all increased by 1
according to their sign (i.e. a -1 range DM becomes a -2, a +2 range modifier
becomes a +3, zero remains a zero); and all damage rolls are made with a -1
     Ships which are strafing and lose their +2 Agility advantage must return
to their own lines. All ships return by the reverse procedure to entering
strafing, according to the current range.

4.Fleet Agility
	Fleet agility is calculated based only on ships in the battle
and reserve lines, plus those engaged in strafing, and ships leaving
the battle for the safe area. Ships in the safe area, ships maneuvering to
enter combat from the safe area, and abandoned ships do not count for
the determination of fleet agility.

	Breakthrough occurs if a player has no ships capable of offensive
fire at the end of a turn in his battle or Friendly Strafe lines. In such
a case, the opponent gets one free fire with all of his ships in his
battle and Friendly Strafe lines at ships in the player's reserve, before
continuing with combat.




			P1.A1 Approach 1
			P1.A2 Approach 2			  
			P1.A3 Approach 3			  

			P2.ES Enemy Strafe Line		  

			P1.RL Reserve Line		  
			P1.BL Main Battle Line		
			P1.FS Friendly Strafe Line	
			P2.FS Friendly Strafe Line	
			P2.BL Main Battle Line		
			P2.RL Reserve Line

			P1.ES Enemy Strafe Line

			P2.A3 Approach 3
			P2.A2 Approach 2
			P2.A1 Approach 1

Legal moves on any setup phase are then:
		SA <> A1 <> A2 <> A3 <> RL <> BL (all ships)
		and RL <> FS <> ES if current agility and range conditions

Legal fire possibilities are listed below, according to the
	locations listed above.

	   SA A1 A2 A3 RL BL FS ES	Key:
  A	SA  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -       - no fire
  t	A1  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -	 + any ships may fire
  t	A2  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  1	 1 missiles, lasers, accel only; -2 DM
  a	A3  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  2	 2 -2 DM
  c	RL  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  3 	 3 Subj to conc fire rules;short range
  k	BL  -  -  -  4  -  +  +  3	 4 particle accelerators only
  e	FS  -  -  -  4  -  +  +  3	 5 missiles, lasers, accelerators only
  r	ES  -  -  5  +  S  +  +  - 	 S short range always

			Appendix A
	Calculation of partial damage for victory calculations

Use of Tables

Step A. Determine ships damage.

Step B. Determine original value of all abandoned ships.

Step C. Determine original value of all hulks (ships without life support,
jump drive, power plant, or fuel remaining) and ships vaporized.

Step D. Determine lost value of functional ships.
	1. Use tables 1-11 to find values
	2. Subtract values of original system from values found
	   on tables 1,2,3,4,6, and 7.
	3. Add lost system values.

Step E. Total values from steps B,C, and D.

Step F. Divide value of step E by money spent on original fleet.

Step G. Lowest percentage wins.

1982 Damage Tables

Values given are percentages of installed value, unless noted otherwise.


     6   5   4   3   2   1   0
D 6 100  -   -   -   -   -   -
a 5  80 100  -   -   -   -   -
m 4  60  80 100  -   -   -   -
a 3  40  60  70 100  -   -   -
g 2  20  40  45  60 100  -   -
e 1  20  20  20  25  40 100  -
d 0   0   0   0   0   0  20 100
 -1   -   -   -   -   -   0   0

D   Installed
a    4   3   2   1   0
m 4 100  -   -   -   -
a 3  80 100  -   -   -
g 2  60  75 100  -   -
e 1  40  50  60 100  -
d 0   0   0  10  20 100
 -1   -   -   0   0   0

3. Power plant.  Damaged Pn/Installed Pn x Original Cost.

4. Armor: (Damaged value - 2)/Original Value x Cost.

5.Fuel Hits. Original tonnage of tankage x % damage x 25000 Cr.

6. Major Weapons

     A   B   C   D   E   F   J   K   L   M   Q   R
A-C 100 100 100  50  50  50  25  25  20  25  20  10 
D-F  -   -   -  100 100 100  50  50  50  50  40  40 
J-L  -   -   -   -   -   -  100 100 100  75  60  60
 M   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -  100  75  80
Q-R  -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -  100 100

     A   B   C   D   E   F   K   L   P
 P   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
K-L  -   -   -   -   -   -  100 100  75
D-F  -   -   -  100 100 100  70  70  50
A-C 100 100 100  50  50  50  40  40  25


   3   2   1
3 100  -   -
2  60 100  -
1  20  40 100

   3   2   1
3 100  -   -
2  50 100  -
1  20  50 100

8. Destroyed Turrets x 3 MCr

9. Destroyed Bays x 50 MCr

10. Crew losses (No.) x 1MCr

11. Computer damage. Value Installed Computer - Value of New Computer of
    Size equivalent to damaged size.
    i.e. 7fib reduced to 2fib: 100 MCr - 14Mcr = loss of 86MCr